Saturday, January 1, 2011


I, for one, am extremely happy that 2011 has arrived on my doorstep. 2010 had been one of a hellish year for me. Amongst others, it had been a year full of betrayal, animosity and heartaches.

2011 brings along with it a lot of new promises; one which is full of positivity in terms of career, family and finances (according to my horoscope). Just like all the previous years, I close many chapters of my life that I would never ever want to relive. People say that I'm more arrogant but they did not live my life, they did not go through the heartwrenching journeys I made, and most of all, they were never there for me. Being mere observers do not give them the right to judge me. I am who I am today, resilient and determined thanks to my husband and Allah S.W.T. So, others can deem me anything they wish but the truth of the matter is, 'I am to myself, and no one else'.

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