Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Pictures are commonly posted on Facebook as a means of sharing. What disturbed me lately was how self-centred most of the pictures were; focusing on gifts received from loved ones, major events they were invited to, showing off their latest beaus or capturing themselves in countries which many others can't afford to go to.

I saw a couple of pictures posted by a couple of respected friends on my Facebook yesterday. One showed Mr Paulo Coelho raking up the leaves in the foreground with a picturesque background 'paving his way for 2011'. I thought that the message behind the simple picture was very profound. The message hidden behind the picture was very abstract, very artistic. Next, I saw pictures of orphans living in an orphanage who were having a good time, thanks to some good samaritans. Those pictures definitely left an indellible mark on my mind thinking how lucky most of our children are.

Just like what we say or write leave deep impressions of us unto others, the pictures we post onto our social network also speak tons about our characters.

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