Saturday, January 1, 2011


I, for one, am extremely happy that 2011 has arrived on my doorstep. 2010 had been one of a hellish year for me. Amongst others, it had been a year full of betrayal, animosity and heartaches.

2011 brings along with it a lot of new promises; one which is full of positivity in terms of career, family and finances (according to my horoscope). Just like all the previous years, I close many chapters of my life that I would never ever want to relive. People say that I'm more arrogant but they did not live my life, they did not go through the heartwrenching journeys I made, and most of all, they were never there for me. Being mere observers do not give them the right to judge me. I am who I am today, resilient and determined thanks to my husband and Allah S.W.T. So, others can deem me anything they wish but the truth of the matter is, 'I am to myself, and no one else'.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Pictures are commonly posted on Facebook as a means of sharing. What disturbed me lately was how self-centred most of the pictures were; focusing on gifts received from loved ones, major events they were invited to, showing off their latest beaus or capturing themselves in countries which many others can't afford to go to.

I saw a couple of pictures posted by a couple of respected friends on my Facebook yesterday. One showed Mr Paulo Coelho raking up the leaves in the foreground with a picturesque background 'paving his way for 2011'. I thought that the message behind the simple picture was very profound. The message hidden behind the picture was very abstract, very artistic. Next, I saw pictures of orphans living in an orphanage who were having a good time, thanks to some good samaritans. Those pictures definitely left an indellible mark on my mind thinking how lucky most of our children are.

Just like what we say or write leave deep impressions of us unto others, the pictures we post onto our social network also speak tons about our characters.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Facebook: A new avenue to brag?

Its kinda amusing when I go through the posts on my notifications list these days. While some use the network as a means to share their experiences in the area of their expertise or to catch-up with their contacts, most were merely bragging (consciously or unconsciously) about their wealth, their personal lives or merely ranting much ado abt nothing!

Without realising the psychological effects that the latter comments have on our minds, we become bitter individuals who envy others because of what they possess or could do but not us. We become a society who is obssessed about other peoples' lives.

I, for one, am trying not to visit my Facebook as often as I used to. Sometimes, the lesser you know, the better it is. And the lesser you reveal, the more mysterious you are to others. I guess that is a good new year resolution to begin with ;)

Polar Opposites - Synopsis

Do you know that the Polar bear and Penguin live on opposite poles on the Earth and that they do not meet (unless they are caught and placed in the zoo)?
All these facts are portrayed in this beautifully illustrated book and written simply for children aged 2-6. Children also get to learn antonyms (opposites) in a fun and interesting way.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Picket Fences

Lately, my mind n soul had been uneasy. It's hard to explain but it was like they were poisoned with irrational thoughts. Feelings of hatred, anger and vengeance occupied most of the spaces. I realized that this could not go on, it must be the work of the devil.

After praying a couple of times,those poisonous instigations started to fade away slowly. Alhamdulillah! And I start to build picket fences around my mind; filtering all unnecessary and unwanted issues out of my boundaries. My mind is not so cluttered anymore and the best part is, I started to feel calm and serene again :)

The Notebook DVD - synopsis

This is a 'must-have' for couples in love or those who have lived with their soulmates all their lives. A very touching story about an elderly couple who went through the test of time together and persevered against the odds to be together.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hell hath no fury like a woman's wrath

A woman who was once betrayed by her husband twice decided to play the same game against her husband to get even. In fact, she went out with twenty men over a period of 6 mths! Ten times the number of infidelity! She also made the decision to file for divorce; a decision not many mothers would take, as most would swallow the bitterness for the sake of her children.
It is true what they say that "Hell hath no fury like a woman's wrath". It is a big mistake to assume a woman's submissiveness for naiveness.